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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Reputation Management: I Didn't Realize This Was a Thing

 I have now completed multiple trainings in 'Reputation Management'. What is Reputation Management? It is essentially a task of reviewing a company's brand and engaging with stores, clients and potential & past customers to boost a company's reputation. This developing field also focuses a lot on repairing damage from poor reviews.

As an author, I've had a few bad reviews myself. It happens. Most authors (or any individuals that sell products and services) recognize that bad reviews happen. Yet, sometimes, we get bad reviews that are unwarranted. For example, getting a 1 star review in which the reader admits they liked the book but states the 1 star review was for the computer they were reading the book on crashed. How the hell is that the author's fault? Yet, that 1 star review can be incredibly damaging, driving away potential readers who see the "1 star" but fail to read the reasons for the 1 star. Companies deal with this all the time. Hence, we now have Reputation Management specialists looking for and reporting such inappropriate reviews.

If you receive such a review, report it. If you are writing a review... be fair!

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Reputation Management: I Didn't Realize This Was a Thing

 I have now completed multiple trainings in ' Reputation Management'. What is  Reputation Management? It is essentially a task of re...