Honestly, this review is different. I mean, I can’t
really delve into Prehistory for any comparison technology. Now, if you want to
be picky, then Earbud-like devices have been around since the mid-1800s (ear
pieces for stethoscopes). As for the device we know and love today, that is
tied more to ear pieces from the 1950s, leading into the 1970s and 1980s when
they really start to pop up. Remember the Walkman from Sony? I had several sets
of in the ear headphones during this time, and they were VERY uncomfortable. As
for the more official “Earbud,” that is the ear piece that Apple produced with
its IPod. Today, these ear pieces are wireless/Bluetooth connected and make for
a great companion when walking, jogging or exercising (no need to fret with the
clumsy wires of traditional headphones. How’s that for a history lesson?

Anyhoo… I recently purchased a pair of Carego 40H Earbuds.
They were discounted to $9.99. I’ve reviewed these on the blog and at Amazon
(though Amazon took my review down stating it had improper language – yeah… I
have no idea what the heck they were talking about). Anyway, I received an
email from the company after I registered my earbuds. I thanked them for the
earbuds, which in turn led them to sending me a pair of their recently
developed 60H earbuds. Now, after nearly 2 months of use, I am happy to report
I love BOTH sets of Carego Earbuds.
As for the 60H, they are a bit more
expensive (just over $30), but the quality is certainly a step up from the
earlier models they produced. Great sound quality and easy to set up with
wireless/Bluetooth systems. For exercising, these are my Earbuds – I powerwalk
constantly and these earbuds work great with my MP3 player – the sound is clear
and sharp and perfect for my workout sessions. Definitely scored 5 out of 5
For those who are short on cash, consider the Carego 40H Earbuds,
which are currently at $9.99. I still use my 40H Earbuds from Carego every
single day. They are high quality and dependable (both the 40H and the 60H
charge in little time). Many thanks to Carego for letting me test out the new
60H Earbuds. Cheers!
Rating: 5 out of 5 Trowels
Carego Website:
CAREGO- Wireless Earbuds & Game Accessories | Switch, PS4,PS5, Xbox – CaregoTech
GAMING BLOG – CaregoTech
Carego Amazon Page: